Privacy policy in details

FinVestorBot prioritizes the protection of your personal information and privacy. Our Privacy Policy aims to explain our methods of processing, collecting, storing and using the data you share with our Quantum site.

Our commitment to you includes key principles:

  • The processing of your personal data must be transparent.
  • Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice about the processing of your personal data.
  • In addition, if we decide that we need to provide you with specific information, please be assured that we will do so at the best time and place.
  • If you need clarification or have any questions, we are ready to help you according to the legal terms.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. We will process your personal data only in accordance with this policy.
Your personal data will only be processed in accordance with this policy.
We may process user data for a number of reasons, which include, but are not limited to, allowing access to our platform and use it by enhancing the user experience, improving our services (including the website), keeping our rights and interests safe, managing commercial and administrative activities that support the provision of existing services to our customers, complying with any legal and/or regulatory statements and policies, and an understanding of your personal expectations.

Crypto trading is becoming more and more popular because it can help you make big profits. However, like any financial activity, this is associated with additional risks, due to which approximately 70% of traders lose their initial investment.

Please note that all trademarks used on this website, including FinVestorBot, are advertised. All videos related to them are shot by professional actors, not real users of the platform and traders.

Obligation to respect the rights to personal data

Our goal is to enable you to exercise your rights as a data subject. If you wish to review your personal information, request its modification, deletion, limit its use for certain purposes or at all, or transfer it to yourself or a third party, you can contact us at any time. We promise to abide by the law and act accordingly.

Security of your personal data

We cannot guarantee the complete protection of your personal data, but we assure you that we use various methods and measures to protect it.

1. Scope of the policy:

This Policy describes what personal data we collect about our customers and how we do it (collect, use, provide, store, process, etc.).

In this section, “Personal Data” refers to any information relating to an identifiable individual. An identifiable individual is an individual who can be identified directly or together with additional information that we have or can access.

The word "processing"

This term applies to all activities carried out in relation to personal data, including its selection, registration, storage, modification, retrieval, use, disclosure, approval, restriction, deletion or destruction.

We provide our services only to adults (18+). And there can be no exceptions here - people under the age of majority will not be able to register with us and will not have access to our platform. If we discover that information about a child has been collected, we will take steps to delete it as soon as possible.

2. When do we collect customer information?

When a person uses our service channels, uses crypto trading demos, follows our website and/or contacts us, we collect his/her data. There are also times when our customers voluntarily provide us with access to their personal information. Or we collect data by analyzing your interactions with our products, channels and services.

3. Consent to the processing of personal data

We inform all our new users that they are not obliged to provide us with their personal data. However, in this case, we will not be able to open access to our products and services.

4. What personal data do we need?

We collect personal data when you use our online platform, browse pages, contact customer support, fill out forms, etc. We see your activity (current IP address, time and date of page visits, language used, software crash reports and type of browser used).

However, we only need information that identifies you personally. We are not interested in other data.

In addition, we access information about you that you voluntarily provide to third parties, such as your full name, mobile phone number and email address.

5. Justification and legal grounds for personal data processing

The company does not use your personal data in vain, strictly observing the relevant legal bases.

We only process our customers' personal information for a reasonable period of time in accordance with the law. The legal conditions on which we may collect and use your personal data are as follows:

  • The person voluntarily agreed to the processing. This applies when a user intentionally provides us with personal data through our site so that we can share it with any third party.
  • There is a need for processing that meets the legitimate interests of the Company or a third party. This may include, for example, improving our work or products, filing a lawsuit, or defending against them.
  • Data processing is essential to comply with legal requirements to which the Company is subject.

You can contact us at any time by sending an email to [email protected] for information about our verification process. In this way, you will know whether we are processing your personal information based on the need to comply with the legal terms of the Company or a third party.

We have reasons why we need your data and we present them to you below:

| # | Purpose | Legal basis

1. Transfer current personal data about you to third parties at your request with your voluntary and express consent.

2. To consider your requests, wishes and/or complaints. Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

3. To fulfill all types of legal obligations of court or administrative decisions.

4. To improve our productivity. Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

5. To prevent fraud, misuse of our services. Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

6. To carry out the necessary actions and carry out measures within the scope of our competence of our services. Legitimate interests of the Company or a third party.

7. To monitor and study the current statistics of the functioning of the resource. Pursuant to legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

8. To preserve and ensure the security of our interests and rights. Legitimate interests pursued by the Company or a third party.

6. Transfer of personal data to third parties

The Company may provide your personal data to third party service providers such as storage and hosting providers, IP address information analysts and those who perform research, analytical, technical and diagnostic work.

Also, upon your request, we have the right to transfer some personal information to third-party cryptocurrency trading platforms, including Bitcoin. In these scenarios, your data is processed in accordance with the existing privacy policies of those platforms.

Our Company has the right to share your personal data with its affiliated members and business partners in order to expand and improve the services and products offered by the Company.

We may disclose your personal data to government agencies, local authorities and regulatory authorities, and to protect our interests, rights and assets and those of third parties, including for the initiation, exercise or defense of legal proceedings.

In addition, your personal data may be disclosed to potential buyers, investors or creditors of the Company and/or any company within its group, or during any similar transaction (including the sale of the Company's assets) and/or in connection with in connection with any merger, reorganization, consolidation or bankruptcy of the Company or any company included in its group.

7. Cookies and third-party services

We havee the right to use third-party services, for example, analytical organizations that advertise on our Internet platform. In addition, these companies may use cookies or other technological solutions in accordance with their own policies.

How do cookies work? These small text files are embedded in your device when you go to a website or simply visit a resource. Thanks to cookies, we collect information about you and your behavior to improve the user experience, remember your preferences, set new settings and create statistics.

Some cookies are session cookies, which are temporary and only work until you close your browser, while others are persistent cookies that remain on your device after you finish browsing and can help a website recognize you as a visitor , who returned.

We currently actively use these cookies:

Cookie type | Goal

Strictly necessary files | Required for navigation and essential functions

Functional cookies | They identify you when you return and record your choice

Performance cookies | Provide access to summary statistics, improving platform performance

Our customers have the option to change their browser settings to block and delete some or all cookies. However, this may affect website performance.

Online Tracking Alerts: Our service does not currently have Do Not Track signals.

8. Storage of personal data

The Company will collect and retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the processing purposes set out in this Policy, or longer if required by applicable laws, regulations or policies.

We constantly review the personal information we hold to ensure that any of it can be deleted, ensuring that no data is kept longer than necessary.

9. Transfer of personal data to third countries or international companies

Your personal data may be transferred to a third country (a place other than where you live) or to international companies. In such cases, the Company ensures that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your personal data and provides the data subject with legally binding rights and effective legal remedies.

For residents of the European Economic Area (EEA), these guarantees will apply subject to any of the following conditions.

- The EU Commission has allowed a third country or an international firm to ensure adequate protection of personal data transferred to it.

–The transfer is carried out on the basis of a legally binding document concluded between state institutions or authorities.

- Data exchange is carried out in accordance with the standard data protection rules adopted by the EU Commission.

For information about the safeguards we take when transferring data, please email: [email protected]

10. Protection of personal data

We apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure an adequate level of security of personal data, taking into account the risks related to processing.

In accordance with certain legal or other obligations beyond our control, we may be required to transfer personal data to third parties, such as government agencies. In these cases, we have limited control over the level of protection of your personal data by third parties.

Please be aware that data transmission over the Internet cannot be 100% secure, and therefore the Company cannot guarantee the protection of personal data transmitted to us over the Internet.

11. Links to Third Party Websites

Our online platform may contain links to third-party websites or applications. We have no control over these external resources, nor do we control their collection or processing of your personal information. In addition, we are not responsible for the practices or policies of any third-party sites or applications, including their privacy policies and data protection terms. Our policy does not govern any actions taken through these external websites or applications.

We encourage our customers to carefully read the privacy policies of these third-party sites or applications before using them and disclosing any of your personal information.

12. Policy Changes

We may update the company terms and conditions from time to time. We will notify you of these updates by posting the revised policy on our website. In the event that we make material changes to this Policy, we will make a concerted effort to notify you using the communication methods we deem most appropriate and by posting a notice on our website. All changes will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Policy on our website.]

13. Your data protection rights

In general, you have the right to ask whether we collect personal data about you, to review that data, to request corrections if necessary and to request the deletion of personal data that we no longer need. In addition, you can limit your consent to certain data processing operations.

Keep this in mind for EEA residents:

If you need, you can use the rights presented below with respect to your personal data. For this, send a request to our email address: [email protected]

Access rights

Our customers can request confirmation as to whether we are processing their personal data. In this case, users can access the data and obtain additional information, including purposes of processing, categories of information, recipients and data retention periods.

If personal data is not obtained directly from you, feel free to ask about its source and whether it is part of profiling. If personal information is transferred outside the EEA, you can ask about safeguards.

In addition, we may provide a copy of the processed data, additional copies may incur a fee. If a request is made electronically, we will provide the information in a commonly used electronic form, unless otherwise specified.

Data correction request

If your personal data is displayed inaccurately for any reason, you can request that it be corrected. In accordance with the purpose of the processing, you have the right to request the addition of some personal data.

Right to Erasure

Under certain circumstances, users may request the deletion of their data. However, this right does not apply if the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations or the defense of legal claims.

Right to restriction of processing

In certain circumstances, it is possible to request the restriction of data processing.

Proper data portability

You can request personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable manner. In addition, you may transfer the data provided to another controller under certain conditions.

The right to object

You can object to data processing on the basis of legitimate interests pursued by us or by third parties. You can also object to processing for direct marketing purposes.

The right to withdraw your consent

Our web users have the right to withdraw their consent to data processing at any time in accordance with the law.

The right to file a complaint

Users can legally file a complaint regarding the processing of personal data to the EU supervisory authority.

Your rights may be limited in accordance with the laws of the EU or member states.

We will respond to your inquiries without undue delay and within one month of receiving them. There are exceptional situations when the request review period can be extended by two months due to the complexity or scope of the request. You will receive a notification from us if your request takes longer to process. Also, our managers will indicate the reason for the delayed response.

We have the right to request additional information about you in order to check the relevance of the data provided. We allow this in cases where we have reasonable doubts about the identity of the person making the request.

We respond to our users for free. However, there may be situations where your requests are clearly unreasonable or excessive, in which case we may charge a reasonable fee or deny the request.